In civil law, personal and property relations are fundamental. At A.C. Freitas we offer specialized legal support in these crucial areas for society.
Our solutions include:

- Advice, consultancy and counseling on corporate behavior in relation to legal proceedings;
- Preparation of opinions on the current situation and strategic management of legal proceedings;
- Conducting, monitoring and representing strategic processes in order to maximize gains and minimize losses;
- Management of large-scale processes with global analysis of the portfolio and differentiated action;
- Advising lawyers on reviewing pleadings and collaborating on appeals, especially in the Higher Courts.

- Advice on legal situations that cause damage or loss;
- Advice and representation in liability suits for professional services;
- Advice and representation in liability suits for vehicle damage or damage caused by animals;
- Advice and representation in liability suits for moral damages due to insulting statements;
- Advice and representation in actions for damages between neighbors, condominium owners, and violations of property rights.

- Consultancy, advice and counseling on projects for the development, incorporation and implementation of real estate projects, acting before public bodies and trade associations;
- Guidance on the regularization of urban or rural properties, real estate registrations and administrative procedures before the Real Estate Registry;
- Advice on real estate transactions, purchase and sale contracts, leases, regularization of properties, real estate financing, mortgages, fiduciary transfers, incorporations, among others;
- Representation in property law lawsuits, such as usucaption, eviction and expropriation, as well as acting in out-of-court negotiations;
- Defense and filing of administrative procedures and lawsuits for tax framework related to the incidence of IPTU and ITBI.