We have a team specialized in different areas of law and related areas

Antonio Carlos de Freitas Junior
Partner and founder
CEO of A. C. Freitas Advogados, graduated in Law, Master and Doctor in Constitutional Law from the University of São Paulo (FDUSP). Postgraduate in Constitutional Law and Constitutional Procedure from the São Paulo Institute of Public Law (IDP/SP). Specialist in neurolinguistic programming, postgraduate student in Neurosciences at UNIFESP, author of legal works, lecturer and professor of Constitutional Law.
With professional experience in the public sector, in various sectors, having been a parliamentary advisor in the Chamber of Deputies and the Legislative Assembly of São Paulo (ALESP), ombudsman at the Environmental Company of the State of São Paulo (CETESB), technical advisor at the Secretariat of the Environment of the Government of the State of São Paulo, public policy coordinator at São Paulo City Hall, as well as a full member of the São Paulo State Council for the Environment (CONSEMA), a member of the São Paulo State Government’s Commission for the Compensation of Ex-Political Prisoners and a member of the Organizing Committees of various Conferences in the area of Human Rights.
As CEO of A.C. Freitas, his main objective is to offer his clients and partners individualized, personalized and quality service in the most diverse areas of law.

Thamires Pinheiro
Team Coordinator
She has a law degree from Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas (FMU) and a postgraduate degree in Business Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC/SP).
Experienced in Business Law, Corporate Law and Contracts, she plunged into yet another professional challenge. With a solid track record of dealing with complex and intricate issues in these fields of law, she was used to facing challenging situations
As the coordinator responsible for the Business Law, Corporate and Contracts areas, she leads a team committed to legal excellence. Her experience covers legal advice on complex business issues, including mergers and acquisitions, corporate restructuring and drafting strategic contracts.
Yasmin Lima
Letícia Gusmão
Isabel Gonçalves
Victor Afonso Bessa
Camila Chagas
Igor Telles

Rodrigo Genuncio
Team Coordinator
He has a law degree from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and a bachelor’s degree in accounting.
With over ten years’ experience in private practice, his main skills are contract negotiation, private equity, tax and tax law.
As the coordinator responsible for contract negotiations, private equity, tax and tax law, he strategically leads a team dedicated to these crucial areas. His expertise encompasses the conduct of complex contract negotiations, the effective management of private capital issues and a deep understanding of the tax landscape.

Enzo Camacho
Team Coordinator
He graduated in Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP) and has a postgraduate degree in Administrative Law from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV-SP).
With experience in the areas of urban cleaning, public works, urban janitorial, basic sanitation, highways and other public services, as well as representing public and political agents in administrative and judicial actions.
As coordinator, he stands out for presenting innovative solutions aimed at maximizing the results of companies operating in crucial sectors such as basic sanitation, urban cleaning, public works, urban janitorial, highways and other public services, as well as advising public managers and political agents on the most diverse demands of public life.
Renata Cristina
Nara Leda
Karina de Oliveira
Maria Carolina Costa

Julia Sbruzzi
Team Coordinator
She has a degree in Law from the Salesiano University Center of São Paulo, a postgraduate degree in Tax Law from the Brazilian Institute of Capital Markets – Ibmec, and a postgraduate degree in Economic and Business Criminal Law from Mackenzie Presbyterian University.
Experience in the areas of Tax Law, Family and Succession Law, Consumer Law, Labor Law, Real Estate Law and Civil Law, focusing on liability and civil obligations in general and private relations.
As coordinator, she leads the litigation team, focusing on the strategic resolution of disputes to promote the best interests of clients. Her
experience covers the skillful handling of complex legal cases, seeking not only to resolve disputes, but also to anticipate and mitigate potential challenges. In addition to its litigation practice, it also works with succession and tax planning, as well as real estate projects.
real estate projects.
Juliana Borges
Guilherme Ricobello
Vanessa Freitas
André Felipe
Agnes Miranda
Thais Rossito
Ingrid Bertacini
Paulo Alchera

Thamires Gonçalves
Team Coordinator
She has a degree in Architecture and Urbanism from Universidade Paulista (UNIP) and a postgraduate degree in General Administration from Universidade Paulista (UNIP).
With a diverse background, she has worked as a secretary, salesperson, event set designer and in other diverse areas, acquiring skills in numerous sectors of administration. In addition, she has accumulated many other experiences, including team coordination, where she acquired valuable skills in leadership, people management and problem solving. This also includes supervising and coordinating staff, managing general payments and accountability, as well as handling documents (sending, obtaining and filing) and organizing agendas, among other essential skills.
As coordinator of the administrative sector, she focuses on the efficient management of human and material resources to ensure the best service for our clients
Jady Miguel
Erika Gonçalves
Giovana Anjos
Tuany Fernandes